What is Blog?

7 min readMay 11, 2021

● What is Blog?

  • “Blog is basically a type of website, like a forum or a social bookmarking site. As such it is defined by the technical aspects and features around it, and not by the content published inside it.”

The features that make blogs different from other websites are:

  1. Content is published in a chronological fashion
  2. Content is updated regularl
  3. Readers have the possibility to leave comments
  4. Other blog authors can interact via trackbacks and ping backs

▪ Steps to create Blog

  1. Go to https://www.blogger.com/start2 and click the orange “Create a blog” button.
  2. Fill out the registration information, click that you accept the terms of service, and then click “continue.”
  3. Fill in the information on the next screen, officially opening a Google account, then click “continue.”
  4. Give your blog a name (remember — it should suit your chosen character!) and choose a unique URL address. Check the availability on the URL you have chosen, and once you find an available one, click“ continue.”
  5. Now comes the fun part: scroll through the available templates and select one you think would appeal to your character. Click “continue.”

6.Congratulations! You should see the “Your blog has been created” screen. Click “start blogging now.”

Types of Blog

  1. Personal Blogs
  2. Business Blogs
  3. Professional Blogs
  4. Niche Blogs
  5. Reverse Blogs
  6. Affiliate (Review) Blog
  7. Media Blogs
  8. Freelance Blogs

1. Personal Blog

  • The first type of blogger appeared was the online diary bloggers.
  • These were people who wanted to take their daily journal online to share their experiences, feelings, and inner most thoughts with an audience.
  • For the personal blogger, there were no rules to follow or themes to adhere. Their blogs were the open pages of their diaries, entered through a word processor and published on simple HTML pages.

2. Business Blog

  • Business bloggers are those who blog for their business. That could be a business they own or the company they work for.
  • The business blogger’s goal is to gain more exposure, traffic, and ultimately customers for their business.
  • Unlike the personal blogger, their writing is less focused on themselves and more focused on their business and their industry.

A business blogger will write about the topics that will attract their ideal customers.

  • For example, employees of a printing company will write blog content that is aimed towards other business owners who are in the market for business cards, flyers, brochures, and other printing services.
  • The blog posts will cover topics like “How to Design a Great Business Card,” ‘Typography101, ”and“ Creating a Brochure That Boosts Your Business.”
  • The best way to build a community for a business blog is to identify people who are most likely to become customers of your business and create content that they would find interesting.

3. Professional Blog

  • Professional bloggers are those who blog to make money online.
  • In other words, their career goal is to earn a salary through their blogging efforts.
  • Professional bloggers tend to use a variety of strategies to achieve this goal, including selling displayed, creating information and digital products, promoting other people’s products for a commission, and similar.
  • The success of a professional blogger depends on their goals.
  • Those who wish to make money through advertising will need a lot of traffic from an audience interested in a particular topic.

4. Niche Blog

  • Instead of merely focusing on broad topics, niche blogs are very specific! Some of the niche blog ideas might be food blogging, training programs with your own weight, poems writing etc.
  • With a niche blog, you can focus more on a particular topic thus making research rather easy. It’s easier to identify the strengths and weaknesses of that niche and write about things you know the best.

Some popular niche Blogs

  1. Lifestyle Blog
  2. Home Décor Blog
  3. Health Blog
  4. Parenting Blog
  5. Sewing Blog
  6. Religious Blog

1.Lifestyle Blog

  • Although a strictly defined niche, a lifestyle blog allows you to address dozens of topics.
  • This is a really efficient way of amassing a follower base and increasing traffic in a short time.

2.Home Décor Blog

  • People love learning about all those little projects they can undertake on their own in their homes.
  • This is why DIY home décor blogs be came very popular.
  • The topics they cover the range from wall decorations to custom-made light fixtures.

3.Health Blog

  • Blogging about health has become immensely popular lately. * The competition in this niche is very tough.
  • There’s a lot of room for valuable information, advice, tips, and support.

4.Parenting Blog

  • Parenting is a very popular niche that is also suitable for novice bloggers.
  • There are so many topics to cover, and in the long term, monetization is also not a problem, since there are dozens of products designed for parents and kids

5.Sewing Blog

  • Who would have thought that there is a huge audience out the e waiting for the content about knitting and sewing, right?
  • Craft blogging has become a huge thing and the sewing niche is a very popular one.

6.Sewing Blog

  • Religious blogs are also very popular.
  • This is where people can find words of wisdom and connect on a meaningful level.
  • There are many religious blogs out there.

5,Reverse Blogs

  • Reverse or guest host blogs are a unique but modern type of blog.
  • Instead of the owner creating content, the content is supplied by the public.
  • A reverse blog has a team who moderate posts, prevent unpleasant interactions and promote slow topics for greater interactivity.
  • Despite the fact that the guest host blog mostly contains content from guest writers, the owner should also write posts of his or her own.
  • Keep in mind that different types of bloggers share different ideas when it comes to blogging.

6. Affiliate (Review) Blogs

  • Affiliate bloggers are those that blog to generate affiliate marketing commissions.
  • Instead of creating their own products, they write blog posts that review products by others.
  • The goal is to encourage visitors to purchase those products using the blogger’s affiliate link, allowing the blogger to earn a commission as specified by the product creator.
  • An affiliate blogger typically writes review posts on affiliate products.
  • Some will write many reviews on one website, while others will create websites dedicated to promoting one particular affiliate product.
  • SEO is an important part of the process, as an affiliate blogger needs their reviews to rank first in search results.

7. Media Blog

  • Media blogs are defined by the content they produce.
  • If you enjoy video blogging, then you’re a vlogger.
  • If you take content from other websites, you have a link log.
  • If you post photos or art sketches on your blog, you’re hosting a photo blog or art blog.

8.Media Blogs

  • This type of blog is popular among people in different fields.
  • The younger crowd is recording their video game play and sharing it with people interested in that game.
  • Photographer scan share tons of pictures they took on the last trip.
  • People that running podcast can post audio files of the last episode recorded.

9.Freelance Blog

  • Freelance bloggers are those who are paid for providing services, for example writing content for other businesses.
  • If you are looking for away to get paid for writing as a service and have experience in blogging, freelance blogging is the way to go.
  • Freelance bloggers cover topics provided by their clients.
  • Some market themselves as experts in a particular industry or niche, while others market themselves as general writers who can cover any thing with a bit of research.
  • Experts with in a particular industry or niche tend to be able to charge more than general writers.
  • Success for a freelance blogger is to build a portfolio that makes them attractive to entrepreneurs and businesses who need quality content written for their company blog.

