Flutter : Detect keyboard event in CustomPainter

1 min readApr 4, 2024

To detect keyboard events in your Flutter app while using a CustomPaint widget, you can create a RawKeyboardListener as a parent widget to capture keyboard events. Then you can pass the callback function down to your CustomPaint widget as an argument.

First, create a function to handle the key events in your custom painter:

typedef OnKeyEvent = Function(RawKeyEvent event);

class TerminalScreen extends CustomPainter {

TerminalScreen({required this.message, required this.control, required this.onKeyEvent});

final String message;

final Control control;

final OnKeyEvent onKeyEvent;


Then, use RawKeyboardListener to capture the keyboard events:


focusNode: FocusNode(),

onKey: (RawKeyEvent event) {

// Pass the event to your custom painter


// Return true to consume the event

return true;


child: CustomPaint(

painter: TerminalScreen(

message: _terminalData,

control: control,

onKeyEvent: (event) {

// Handle keyboard events in your custom painter





Now, in your TerminalScreen class, you can use the onKeyEvent callback function to handle the keyboard events in the paint method or any other place you find suitable.

